What is a Landing Page and what is it for? 5 key facts

¿Qué es y para que sirve una Página de Aterrizaje? 5 Datos clave

Landing page or landing page is essential

Although the term is familiar to many, not everyone knows what a landing page or lading page is.

What is a landing page, and what is it for? This is a crucial question if your goal is to create a complete and successful digital marketing strategy, as the landing page plays a key role.

When we have a small or medium business (SME) or we are starting out, and we dive into learning digital marketing for our business goals, having a landing page is essential.

So, let’s address the fundamental questions about what a landing page is and what it is for.

1. What is a Landing Page?

The landing page, is a unique web page used as a destination in digital marketing campaigns. The term “landing page” comes from the fact that, by clicking on an ad on any advertising platform, users are directed to that specific web page.

The landing page is characterized by offering specific information about a product or service, presenting a strategic design with the main objective of facilitating the sale. It is not limited to ads, as it is also used to share links on social networks, videos and emails.

Unlike other pages on your website, the landing page has a special configuration that delves into specific content. The idea is to encourage visitors to stay, read and watch the content so that they take a specific action, usually buying.

2. What is the purpose of the Landing Page?

Initially, the landing page seeks to motivate the visitor to perform an action, since its main objective is conversion, that is, getting them to buy from you. If this does not happen, the second objective is to generate leads, where visitors leave their data and the company approaches them later.

Specific objectives to motivate actions include:

  • Buy the product or service.
  • Fill out a form providing data.
  • Click on a messaging button to start a conversation.
  • Download a learning guide.
  • Download an e-book.
  • Register for a webinar.

It is essential that these objectives are measurable and achievable, providing added value that users will not find elsewhere.

¿Qué es y para que sirve una Página de Aterrizaje? 5 Datos clave
3. What should a landing page include to make conversions?

An effective landing page to drive conversions must incorporate key elements that capture attention and motivate action. The key elements are:

  • Call to Action (CTA) Buttons: Prominent buttons that prompt you to perform the desired action, such as: “Buy Now!” “Start your Free Trial”.
  • Relevant Images or Graphics: Attractive visualizations of products or services that reinforce the value proposition.
  • Accurate and Relevant Information: Clear and concise content that highlights essential benefits and features.
  • Simple Design and Structure: A clean design and easy-to-follow structure to keep the user’s attention.
  • Contact/Registration Forms: Accessible and simple forms to facilitate visitor interaction.
  • Testimonials or Reviews: Customer comments that generate trust and support the credibility of the product or service.

By combining these elements, you create an experience that not only informs, but also persuades, thus maximizing conversions.

4. Differences between a Landing Page and an Informative Page

Let’s start by highlighting the similarity between the two: lead generation and can be used as a target in various digital marketing campaigns, but unlike an informational website, the landing page focuses on selling a specific product or service. While the informational page shows all categories of products or services in stock.

But to get more in depth about the differences, take a look at this comparison chart:




Main Focus

Sale of a specific product or service.

Displays all categories of products or services in stock.

Common use in campaigns

Common destination in digital marketing campaigns.

It can be used as part of the strategy, but not necessarily as the main target for campaigns.

Structure and Extension

It tends to have a more extensive structure.

They usually have shorter and more concise formats.

Web Architecture

Expansive, it seeks to persuade conversion.

Generally more simplified and information-oriented.

Main Objective

Motivate the purchase and specific actions.

To inform about products or services in a general way.

Diversity of Objectives

It can have multiple objectives depending on the strategy.

It tends to have one main objective: to inform.

Persuasive Content

It focuses on persuading the potential customer to take an action.

It seeks to educate and inform rather than persuade to action.

¿Qué es y para que sirve una Página de Aterrizaje? 5 Datos clave
5. What types of Landing Pages are there?

When you have several landing pages created for different digital marketing campaigns, you increase conversions, that is, the step a visitor takes to buy your product or service. The number of landing pages needed will depend on the different types of campaigns and the business objectives of your SME or venture.

Types of Landing Pages:

  • Direct sales page: The primary Objective is to motivate immediate purchase, with focused content that highlights product benefits and features.
  • Lead generation page: Seeks to capture contact information for future interactions, by means of forms to collect data such as names, emails, etc.
  • Registration page for events or webinars: Attracts participants to virtual events through registration forms and details about the event.
  • Content download page: Offers free resources in exchange for information through links to download ebooks, guides, infographics, etc.
  • Free trial or demo page: Allows users to try a product or service by means of call-to-action buttons to get started.
  • Special promotions page: Highlight temporary offers or discounts and emphasize the time limitation of the offer to motivate action.
  • Thank you page: Confirms the action taken, and thanks to the user.


We hope we have clarified what a landing page is and what it is for, and that your doubts have been dispelled. Remember that having one or more landing pages is beneficial, since they will help you increase conversions, and as conversions increase, you will generate more sales.

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