Professional Web Design In Bogota

Nowadays, a website can help you reach new customers, increase sales and improve your company’s image. Our professional web design in Bogota will help you enhance your brand. Our creative experts and developers will create for you a website that captivates and increases the visibility of your brand in the digital world.

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Our web designs made in WordPress

At Rock Marketing we design and program elegant and attractive websites with WordPress technology. Our goal is to impress your customers in order for you to sell, as we will make you an interactive website that meets the standards in technology. We have for you customized web solutions that seek to adapt to your needs and business objectives, and for that, our website development combines aesthetic design with technology, with that we guarantee that your website looks and works well.

Our digital advertising agency in Bogota guarantees you what you are looking for, where the quality of your company is reflected and that above all you stand out in a competitive digital market.

The website is delivered to you with:

SSL Security Certificate
Call to action buttons for WhatsApp and social networks
Basic SEO for search engine optimization
Training for you to learn how to manage the web yourself
Tracking code in Google Analytics and Google Search
Hosting + Domain x 1 year
3 corporate mailings

Take a look at some of our WordPress websites

Quote your website now

Informative Web

Ideal for offering services. We design them to be easily and intuitively displayed.
  • SSL Security Certificate
  • Call to action buttons for WhatsApp and Social Networks
  • Basic SEO for search engine optimization
  • Training for you to learn how to manage it yourself
  • Tracking code in Google Analytics and Google Search
  • Hosting + Domain x 1 year
  • 3 corporate mailings

Virtual Store

With this technology, you will sell your products virtually.
  • Shopping cart
  • Payment gateway (payu, epayco)
  • SSL Security Certificate
  • Call to action buttons for WhatsApp and Social Networks
  • Basic SEO for search engine optimization
  • Training for you to learn how to upload and download products yourself
  • Tracking code in Google Analytics and Google Search
  • Hosting + Domain x 1 year
  • 3 corporate mailings

Landing Page

Ideal for displaying a product or service through a single URL. Very useful for strategies on Facebook, Instagram, Google Ads.
  • SSL Security Certificate
  • Call to action buttons for WhatsApp and Social Networks
  • Basic SEO for search engine optimization
  • Training for you to learn how to upload and download products yourself
  • Tracking code in Google Analytics and Google Search
  • Hosting + Domain x 1 year
  • 3 corporate mailings

Frequently Asked Questions

Unfortunately, no. At our Digital Advertising Agency we like to be upfront with our clients.

You must keep in mind that part of the success of a professional web design, is that you appear in the first results of the major search engines (Google, Bing, etc.). The websites that appear at the top, are usually older and higher traffic sites, and your website will not have those attributes at first.

For that we must start working on SEO, which is the organic positioning in search engines, that is done over time and with some techniques and strategies defined to give search engines understand that my website has a professional web design and has the necessary information for users who browse.

There are two ways:

  1. Through SEO: A professional web design must have search engine optimization (SEO) to help organically rank your website, and for that, it must have techniques and practices such as:
    Fast loading speed.
    Responsive design for cell phones
    Clear and well-structured content of value.
    Other websites recommending yours
    Good visitor traffic.

If you do this, your web page will be displayed in the first search results.

2. Through Google Ads: The advertising option is an excellent strategy for a professional website, as it will help you appear in the first search results. For that you need a good budget and a well-defined promotion strategy, with that you will be sure to have many potential customers. Our digital advertising agency has the Google Ads service.

Our professional web design service will have a basic SEO, that is, it will meet certain requirements for your website to look tidy, adaptive to cell phones, good loading speed and defined keywords.

Our Digital Advertising Agency has technology and knowledge that help your website to have a good SEO. We will also include accounts in Google Search Console and Google Analytics platforms that serve to keep the metrics that are necessary to know where your website is in the search results.

There are several strategies, here we are going to show you the most effective ones:

  1. Advertising on Google Ads: A strategy used to appear in the top search engine results. It is a very powerful strategy that will bring many potential customers to your company because a website with many visits is a website that will guarantee sales.
  2. Facebook and Instagram Ads: Social networks in terms of digital marketing offers many types of campaigns, among those there is one called VISIT THE WEBSITE.
  3. Email Marketing: Very old strategy, but still very effective, since the objective is that the potential customer opens the email and we can show him the information we want, and take him directly to the web through call to action buttons.

Our digital advertising agency will help you with these strategies.

A landing page is a website with a single page. It serves to direct a user who is browsing different platforms and sees an advertisement, which when clicked, directs the user to a page with a single URL containing specific information.

The landing page is used for promotional campaigns, they are very effective in the sense that it takes that potential customer to the information they are looking for, and thus sell them a product or service. While the informative web page specializes in showing all the information about your company, in order to present to the user all the portfolio you have to offer.

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